Mie bakso. Bakso or baso is an Indonesian meatball, or a meat paste made from beef surimi. Its texture is similar to the Chinese beef ball, fish ball, or pork ball. The word bakso may refer to a single meatball or the complete dish of meatball soup.
Bakso Indonesian meatball soup can be served with eggs, steamed Chinese veg and fresh chillies.
Mie bakso is an Indonesian noodle soup dish consists of bakso meatballs served with yellow noodles and rice vermicelli.
This dish well known in Chinese Indonesian, Javanese and Malay cuisine.
Anda Bisa masak Mie bakso menggunakan 5 bahan dan 5 Langkah. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.
Bahan-Bahan dari Mie bakso
- Anda Perlu 1 Bks dari mie rebus Gaga jalapeno.
- Persiapkan 1 batang dari pakcoy.
- Persiapkan 6 butir dari bakso.
- Anda Perlu 1 genggam dari jamur enoki.
- Persiapkan 300 ml dari air.
Mie bakso is almost identical with soto mie, only this dish has meatball instead of slices of chicken meat. Mie bakso can be found all across Indonesia, from street vendors to high-class restaurants. The chicken chunks are quite generous, while noodle has soft but not mushy texture with savory seasoning. Ini merupakan tabungan resep sayangnya tidak ada foto step by step dikarenakan hp waktu itu eror dan sama paksu dibetulin dan lupa foto yang ada di hp di back up Mau bikinlah kok males yoweslah gapapa di-posting tanpa foto step by step #cookpadcommunity_depok Mie Bakso vendors are usually located outside schools and streets that are easy to spot.
Mie bakso Langkah - Langkah
- Masak air sampai mendidih, masukkan bakso sampai merekah.
- Masukkan mie, tambahkan jamur Enoki dan pakcoy.
- Sambil menunggu mie matang, masukkan bumbu dlm mangkok.
- Setelah mie matang tuang ke dlm mangkok aduk merata tambahkan air matang utk kuah sesuai selera.
- Mie siap dihidangkan, bs tambah kecap dan saos sesuai selera (tambahkan cabai bila suka kebetulan stok lg abis 😁).
A well-liked dish, the Mie Bakso is a satisfying and pleasant choice that never fails to leave our stomachs in delight. Bakso, whether meat, seafood or chicken-based, are denser and richer because of the paste used to make them. Like laksa, there is no definitive recipe for making mee bakso. The soup can be made from meat, seafood or chicken, or a combination of all of them. The meatballs can have beef, pork, chicken, fish or other.